- Counseling
- Healing Arts
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- Counseling
- Healing Arts
- Counseling
- Healing Arts
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- Counseling
- Healing Arts
Individual Counseling
As individuals on this planet we are bombarded with an extraordinary number of obstacles, challenges and stressors as we move along our path.
Sometimes it is necessary to consult with someone who can help guide you on your chosen path. That is the basics of what I do. We will talk, discuss, bat around ideas and come up with an individual plan designed specifically for your goals and dreams.
I have expertise in the following areas: co-dependency, narcissistic abuse, death of a loved one, Past trauma or abuse, life change or difficult transitions, self-esteem and depression. I have also counseled in many other areas including: Anxiety, addiction, PTSD and body image. If you are experiencing any of the above, I can help you. You don’t have to plod through life feeling less than your best. Individual therapy can make a big difference in how you navigate your life and how you experience yourself in the world.
Please contact me if this feels like something your desiring, and you are ready for a safe container for change and growth which I can provide. I have experience working with individuals ranging from 5 years of age and up.
Couples Counseling
Although we traditionally think of couples coaching as the last-ditch effort for partnered couples to save their relationship. The techniques utilized in couples coaching can be applied to virtually any kind of relationship. If you're in a relationship that feels like it isn't working at its best, couples therapy may be just the ticket to get you to 100 percent.
Often couples need help navigating the many difficulties of partnership or marriage. Whether you need assistance with improving your communication skills, conflict resolution or addressing differences in parenting styles – I can help. You don’t have to stay stuck wondering how to resolve these difficult issues on your own.
Please contact me to schedule an appointment and see if couples coaching seems like a positive alternative to the way things currently are in your relationship.
Families Counseling
When a family is in crisis, coaching provides a safe environment where members can feel free to express feelings, ask questions, and generate ideas. There may also be times when families just need a quiet, neutral zone where there are no reminders of conflict. Once a family commits to working with a therapist, they can begin exploring strategies for improving communication and building or rebuilding healthy relationships.
Sometimes families experience difficulties that feel too enormous to resolve on their own. Often, families feel that “the problem” lies solely with one individual family member. For some reason it seems that no matter what they try, say or do, they can’t get that individual to change.
The reason for this, is that families are a part of a unique functioning system. Each family has its own set of “spoken” and “unspoken” rules of conduct. What this means, is that in order for your family member to change – the entire family system has to make changes!
Let me help you become aware of and recognize both the overt and covert patterns and the rules your particular family functions by – so that your entire family can start to make small shifts – that will allow the changes you desire to happen.
Creative Art Groups
Choosing you provides therapeutic support groups to help address your issues in a group setting
The support groups offered will vary over time but will most likely include:
- Exploring Root Causes of Co-Dependency
- Loving and Healing the Inner Child: Releasing Trauma
- Healthy communication and Boundary Setting
- Grief into Vision: Finding strength after a loss
Some of these groups may be offered in an online format with some level of live component. If we meet in person, the group will be held once per week for approximately two hours in an evening. I usually include a psycho-educational component, an expressive art, and process component to each group. Some mindfulness techniques, and yoga will also be threaded through out each module to release and embody the work.
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Website Designed by Savana Rose Woods, www.thewebsiteatelier.com